Wanna Be A Bigger Part of South Florida Spurs?

Do you want to be a bigger part of South Florida Spurs?

We are looking to fill TWO Committee Positions and ADD Official Volunteers to support and sustain our growth.

As you probably know, the supporters club was created and maintained for the past few years by a few Spurs fans in our area who used to meet at a bar in Ft Lauderdale. With our run to the Champions League final, it became apparent that there were so many more fans in our area, and as such, we moved to our own bar.

We now want to take the next step in our evolution and begin formalizing and enhancing the club's structure and ongoing expansion, outreach, and improvement.


Please use the online form available at this link to register your interest:


 Per rules set out by THFC, we are expected to have a committee of at least 5, and for now, we are going to proceed with a committee of 7. 5 of the existing 'club admins' will assume official committee roles through the end of the 2020/2021 season and we will add 2 more OPEN positions as identified below;

  • Chairperson - Shea Heaver
  • Secretary - OPEN
  • Treasurer - Josh Streimer
  • Committee Member – Jeff Neiman
  • Committee Member – William Vance
  • Committee Member – Matt Pierce
  • Committee Member – OPEN


Additionally, we also would like to have a core of volunteers willing to assist and help wherever possible. We know some folks cannot dedicate a lot of time or make it to many games due to family, work, or other commitments, SO this is the perfect opportunity to 'be in that number' and participate at a more casual level.

All committee members and volunteers;

  • Must have an official CRN from Tottenham Hotspur (this doesn't cost anything...and all club members are supposed to have one)
  • Will be recognized on our website and other online entities
  • Will have a big impact on how we develop the club
  • Will have the gratitude and thanks of all supporters club members


Please use the online form available at this link to register your interest:


The form will remain open until the first week of November, and any voting to select a committee member held in November.


1 – You can (and are encouraged) to also put your name forward for a volunteer position if you are also interested in a committee position. That way, even if not selected via a voting process, you will still be an integral part of the club

2 – Once we know who wishes to be considered for a committee position, we will notify each person of any other person they may be running against. This will allow people to decide if they want to remain on any ballot (they will be free to discuss with each other) or remove themselves from consideration.

3 – The committee member appointment and/or selection process for the 2021/2022 season will be discussed and decided by the newly formed 2020/2021 committee no later than July 2021 (subject to COVID or other unexpected circumstances)